
Vitec Nordman helps you optimize your sales by connecting Argus, our CRM system, with the systems you already use in your business.

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Effective integration solutions

Vitec Nordman are experts in sales optimization. We have created many effective solutions to connect Argus, our CRM system, with different systems that our customers use.

We can handle everything from simple CSV files to advanced ESAP20 flows such as item information, orders and order status to and from various business systems, such as SAP R/3, Fortnox, Monitor, M3, Infor.

We can also integrate product information from PIM, campaigns from TPM. We have built apis for transferring orders to and from GARP, Fortnox, Stockfiller. EDIFACT representative order to wholesalers and much more is a built in system and can talk to your existing VAN supplier like Strålfors or Pipe Chain.

Do you work with discounts? No problem, we can deliver pain, iso and bgc files to the bank and documents such as SIE, ready-made excel templates or text files for your ERP system.

Do you have your own BI solution or do you use another supplier? We have predefined and customizable APIs.


Send and receive item information, orders and order status between Argus and various business systems, such as SAP R/3, Fortnox, Monitor, M3, Infor. This is done using the ESAP20 process, which is a standard for electronic business communication.

Order transfer

Use APIs to transfer orders to and from GARP, Fortnox, Stockfiller. With web services that make it possible to exchange data between different systems via the internet.

TPM (Trade Promotion Management)

Create and follow up campaigns from TPM (Trade Promotion Management), which is a system for planning and analyzing marketing activities.

Integration, PIM

Integrate product information from PIM (Product Information Management), a system for managing and distributing product data to different channels.

Bank files

Manage discounts or refunds. We can deliver pain, iso and bgc files to the bank. These files contain information about payments and transactions. We can also deliver documents such as SIE (Standard Import Export), ready-made excel templates or text files for your ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning), which is a system for controlling and coordinating resources in the company.

Application Programming Interface

Connect to your own BI (Business Intelligence) solution, a service to analyze and optimize the assortment. We have predefined and customizable APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), which are interfaces for communicating with other systems.


Send EDIFACT representative orders to wholesalers. EDIFACT is a format for electronic documents used in commerce. To send EDIFACT documents, you need a VAN (Value Added Network) provider, a service that transfers and stores the documents for you. We can talk to your existing VAN supplier, for example Strålfors or Pipe Chain.